I once heard an interview with the singer Fergie where she said that she worked out every day to earn her own self esteem. (It seems her Humps were due to hard work in the gym.) And I get it. I believe we earn our own self esteem just like we earn our own credibility.
When I train clients on how to advocate for themselves, their ideas, their businesses and their families, we work on the 5 Cs. One of the most important is Credibility. If you set expectations, you have to meet them and when you make promises you have to keep them–or have a good reason why you can’t. This is the only way you can win with a jury. It is also the only way you can win with yourself. The promises you make to yourself and the expectations you set for yourself are important. Because if you don’t have credibility with yourself–if you don’t trust yourself–you’re lost.
When I started this blog I promised myself I’d share something every Thursday. Sometimes that’s hard. Coming up with an idea, finding a time and place where I don’t look a mess and I have a little quiet, and then uploading and downloading and all the tech things take time, effort and planning. But I do it. Because the next time I make myself a promise, I want to believe it.
So this week I’m coming to you from my car, during a week that I will remember forever. I had a book event at An Unlikely Story, a bookstore in Plainville, MA. I grew up in the area, and the love and support I received from my family, and my family of friends, is something I won’t soon forget.
And I wanted to share a study about another C–coffee. This study shows that even if you just THINK about coffee, your pulse quickens and your focus improves. It is amazing what the mind can do. That’s why I want to make sure mine believes in me.