Doesn’t September feel a little bit like a new beginning? New notebooks, new schedules, and with the kids in new classes with new teachers it may be time for us to try something new as well. As the kids go back to school, let’s join them. Let’s learn a little bit about ourselves.
One of the best ways to learn is by trial and error. You try something and, whether it works or not, you learn. You learn what works and what doesn’t. You learn who you are when something works, and who you are when it doesn’t. If you want to learn, and you want to grow, you have to try. There’s no other way.
Words are important. Sometimes at trial, an opposing attorney will take something my client has said and change just one word when presenting it to the jury. I leap up to ensure that is fixed immediately because that word can mean the difference between a win and a loss. Words matter. The word “try” comes from the French word “trier” which means to sift. I love that. It means that when we try, we are sifting away what we don’t need to find that which we do need. It reminds me of when we were kids and we went to Knott’s Berry Farm. We got to mine for gold, by sifting through the dirt until all that was left was treasure. We tried until we found what we were looking for.
That’s what I hope the 30 Days of Trials Challenge will do for you. Every day, I’ll present a new trial-something to try. Every day, you’ll sift through and see what works for you, and what doesn’t. Together, we will make discoveries. Some of them might be gold.
The challenge starts Sept 6th. Register here and you’ll get a new challenge every day for 30 days. If you join in the discussion, you’ll also get a little something at the end of the challenge. The person who shares the challenge the most will get a bigger something. Most importantly, together we will try, we will sift, until we find treasure. Try and try again.