When you think trial and error, don’t forget the error. A scientist can make discoveries without many failed attempts, and often the biggest discovery is in the error. Think penicillin. If you’re not willing to err, you aren’t going to succeed. Victory takes time
I love the phrase “not yet”. Appellate lawyers are the kings and queens of “not yet”. When I win a case, I consider it over. But the other side doesn’t always see it that way. I’ve had many adversaries file appeals, in an attempt to overturn the verdict and try again. They claim that the judge made an error, and they should get another chance. That’s when my partner who focuses on appeals takes over. He knows all about error. And that all an error does is give you another chance.
TODAY’S CHALLENGE–TRY TO ERR. Be willing to make a mistake, and to say not yet. Be willing to try, again and again, without losing your faith or your enthusiasm. Be like an appellate lawyer, and see a “failure” as an opportunity to try again.
Tell us about your error. Let’s make both trial AND error fun.
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