I often say that everything I ever needed to know, I learned in the courtroom, at trial. Because trials don’t stay in the courtroom. We all face them in our everyday lives. Trials are the challenges we have to overcome. They’re the battles we fight, with ourselves and others, the battles we so desperately want to win. What if we could take the skills I’ve learned after 20 years in the courtroom, and apply them in the boardroom, the bedroom, the kitchen and beyond? These are skills like how to ask a question, how to overcome objections, knowing when to settle, and knowing how to win. There isn’t a person out there who couldn’t use these skills to be a better friend, partner, salesperson, colleague, or professional. With these skills, we could all Win Life’s Trials.
I’ve decided to take the lessons I’ve gathered from my psychology degree, my training and experience as a mediator, and my years as an award-winning trial attorney, and share them. Every Thursday afternoon I’ll be sending you a new trial tip to use in your life. If you’re receiving this email–you’re set! You’re already signed up and all you have to do is let me know what you think of the tips when you get them every week. If you’re not signed up, please do. That way you’ll get the weekly tips from trials.