We did it! We spent 30 days exploring all that we COULD BE. Just like the people who realized that a rubber band could be an eraser, we saw and explored 30 different possibilities for ourselves. Here are all 30 of our challenges in a nutshell:
1-We Could Be People Who Don’t Complain
2-We Could Be People Who Travel
3-We Could Be People Who Won’t Drive Distracted
4-We Could Be Meditators
5-We Could Be Tech Savvy
6-We Could Be Readers
7-We Could Be Good Sleepers
8-We Could Be Sugar Free
9-We Could Be Creative
10-We Could Be Kind
11-We Could Be Playful
12-We Could Be Organized
13-We Could Be Proactive
14-We Could Be Curious
15-We Could Be Compassionate
16-We Could Be Forgiving
17-We Could Be Healthier/Vegan/Drinking Water
18-We Could Be Outdoors
19-We Could Be Positive
20-We Could Be Breathing
21-We Could Be Making Something
22-We Could Be Moving
23-We Could Be Less Shallow
24-We Could Be Volunteers
25-We Could Be Doing It Scared
26-We Could Be Imperfect
27-We Could Be Caring for Ourselves
28-We Could Be Impersonal
29-We Could Be Present
30-We Could Be Grateful
Imagine if we worked towards achieving these possibilities in our lives every day! Our entire lives might change. I hope you continue to look for the possibilities and share them with me and one another. And stay tuned–I think I already have the next challenge percolating in my head….
Thanks again-for everything.
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