Last week I told you the best preparation is practice. If you want to get good at doing something, practice doing it. You want to stand up for yourself, your business, your family and your ideas, so start standing up. Lots of you, especially you women, reached out to me about this one. You said that you’re always waiting until you feel ready, and you spend your energy and time getting ready. Listen up. “You are ready.”
One of my favorite authors is Seth Godin, and in one of his blogs he said we can get all of our ducks in a row, but what will we do with the ducks? I loved the blog but it occurred to me that I didn’t know where that phrase “getting my ducks in a row” originated.
I looked it up. It refers to a mother getting her baby ducklings in a row before they can get moving. If you’ve ever watched a mother duck with her babies, or if you ever lined your own babies into a row, you know one thing for sure. Ducks don’t stay in a row. They do their own thing. Ducks wander off. They grow, and they change. If you keep waiting for your ducks to be in a row before you move, you won’t get anywhere.
You want to be your own best advocate, so start advocating for yourself. Don’t wait until everything is lined up perfectly, because it is very rare for things to line up perfectly. There are no straight lines in nature. But even if you do get every one of your little duckling ideas and plans into a perfect row, they won’t stay that way. Things change, and you change. Prepare, yes, but know that the best preparation is practice. Get going and do the thing. Make way for ducklings!