As you’ve seen from the challenges, there is much we can learn from courtroom trials. Complaints, objections, and the skillful use of questions are all things we can master in our lives outside the courtroom. But none of that matters without proof.
In my consulting work, I see leaders who want dynamic teams, and call center employees who are expected to delight their customers. None of that can happen until expectations are met, and promises are kept.
I can be dynamic and delightful in court but if I don’t prove my case, with evidence, I can’t win. If I make a promise to the jury, you’d best believe I keep it. And if they expect to see something, I show it to them or I’d better have a good explanation if I don’t. You have to do the same. Whether you are dealing with your colleagues, your clients, your customers or your family, prove it. Prove what you say it true, and prove you will do what you promise. Prove it to them, and prove it to yourself.
TODAY’S CHALLENGE–TRY TO PROVE IT. If you say something, promise something, or set an expectation, be ready to prove it. You can only rely on delight and charisma for so long. Sooner or later, you have to prove yourself. Prove it, prove yourself, and prove it to yourself. Get yourself some evidence, and use it to win.
And comment! What will you prove, and how will you do it? I have faith in you. Show us what you’ve got.
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